About Me

  • Full Name: Cácio Lucas Almeida
  • Email: cclucas060901@gmail.com
  • Phone: +55 84 98631-8386
  • Website: caciolucas.tech

Hello There!

I'm a web developer and a pythonist, in both meanings in Wikipedia.

I'm also an IT undergraduate on my final year on UFRN and a curious self-student who really enjoys understanding how things works behind the scenes, automating stuff and solving problems - day-to-day/small problemas and big problems.

Also an experienced developer who has worked with startups and medium companies, in both national and international companies. Currently looking for new opportunities to work that fits my favorite stack: Django/DRF + Vue


Coming soon

Currently focusing on publishin my local developed projects

My Resume

  • Work Experience

  • Backend Developer

    Smart Retail | IMD | Funpec - Apr, 21 - Current

    Work on a modular monolith project that provides a Rest API using Django Rest Framework and PostgreSQL as database. It also uses celery to schedule and run sync tasks to extract and load data from some other softwares used by the client. The project consists in an Web Application to manage sales, negotiations and other retail related information.

    We also work using a Gitflow workflow and agile methods such as SCRUM.

  • Backend Developer

    Instruct IT Solutions - Oct, 2021 - Aug, 2022

    Worked on a microsservices project that helped the client's tech analystis on their day-to-day tasks.

    Developed new complex features integrated with the other client's softwares and services. Worked on projects that managed resources and billing from Cloud Providers (GCP, AWS and AZURE ), projects that managed network resources, servers backup, and others stuff.

    For each of this features and others tasks, I was also responsible for refinement and validation with the client and, after it was done, deploying

  • Fullstack Developer

    LogAp Systems - 2013 - 2015

    Worked on an website portal and an websystem to the Reforest Program using Django, Django Rest Framework and a PostgreSQL database. The frontend was built using JQuery, vanilla JS and bootstrap-based template. For the geographic/spacial part of the project we used PostGIS.

Contact me!

If you have and idea, or is looking for someone to kickoff a project, send an email and let's talk!